What medicines information do HCPs need and who do they trust to deliver it?
Results from the annual emc user survey, covering UK HCPs' (healthcare professionals') medicine information needs, challenges and search habits.

Since 2020, the annual emc user survey has been an important resource for identifying how to best meet HCPs' needs for medicine information content. With millions of HCPs and patients visiting emc (electronic medicines compendium, annually, it has become the logical platform for finding unique insights from these frequent users of medicines information.
To learn more about what additional safety content users value most, and who they trust to deliver it, Datapharm surveyed emc users worldwide from various professions, with a large proportion coming from UK healthcare.
Key findings:
- HCPs want more medicines information content such as product/pack images and additional information to filter by in their search.
- There continues to be high demand for PILs in an accessible form, as well as in other languages, highlighting the importance of ePILs in a structured format.
- For Pharma, ensuring medicines information is accessible is paramount - emc has continued to be trusted by HCPs over the last 4 years as a dedicated one-stop shop for medicines information.
Who could benefit from reading this report?
Pharma professionals working in Med Info, Marketing/Brand and Regulatory Affairs, who would like to understand how HCPs engage with medicine safety information.