Making medicines information more engaging: a first look at the new emc website
In this webinar, John Moreland delivers a guided walkthrough of the new features and functionality available to users of emc. You will also get to learn about emc's role in improving patient outcomes.

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You will learn about:
From its inception nearly 50 years ago, emc has evolved from being a print publication to becoming the UK’s first electronic repository of medicines in 1999. It has since been established as the UK's trusted source of medicines safety information.
Key takeaways:
- The pivotal role emc plays within the Healthcare ecosystem
- How feedback has been used to improve the user experience on the emc website (medicines.org.uk)
- The 'legacy of emc' and how this trusted source of medicines information has evolved through the years
- The next generation of digital medicines information and how Datapharm is implementing structured data
- Future developments for emc