What information do HCPs need from Pharma’s Medical Information teams?
In this webinar, hosted by Datapharm and MILE (Medical Information Leaders in Europe), Medical Information peers will learn how HCPs are searching SRDs (Scientific Response Documents) online, including search trends and best practice tips.

HCPs expect easy access to Medical Information but need to find content online that they can trust, with 79% of HCPs using search engines (e.g. google) for discovering scientific content, and 74% of HCPs considering independent websites ‘critical’ or ‘very important’ for accessing scientific content.
So what does this mean for the role of Medical Information, and how they can most effectively provide materials to support HCPs during their time of need?
During this webinar, Helen Surrey (Communications Lead, MILE and EMEA Escalation Expert, Johnson & Johnson) and Ian Hamilton (Solutions Director, Datapharm) will be sharing how SRD Search meets HCPs’ need for independent online medicines information, with data on:
- HCPs’ online search behaviour, including when and how they search
- The gaps in Medical Information’s provision of SRD content – what’s answering HCPs queries most successfully and where the provision of SRDs can improve most
- What areas of information on the medicine HCPs are looking for most outside of, or around the fringes of, the SmPC
- Key learnings and tips for Medical Information to put into practice when writing up SRDs
Interested in attending?
*This webinar is for Datapharm customers and/or MILE members only.