Datapharm joins the Sustainable Medicines Partnership to improve the sustainability of medicines’ safety information
Mar 30, 2022
Datapharm has become part of a strategic partnership to make the use of medicines more sustainable and less wasteful.

Datapharm is delighted to announce we have now joined the Sustainable Medicines Partnership (SMP), a not-for-profit private-public collaboration executing projects to make the use of medicines more sustainable and less wasteful, that is led by YewMaker.
For many years, Datapharm has been passionately working to offer an equivalent digital alternative to printed Patient Information Leaflets (PILs), by working with Pharma to convert PILs into electronic product information (ePIL), freely available to HCPs, carers, and patients via the emc website.
As a leading provider of technology-enabled digital solutions for the healthcare industry, Datapharm can provide unique high-level insight into the industry’s adoption of electronic patient information, its challenges, and possibilities, with the emc market intelligence solution.
Nazneen Rahman, CEO of YewMaker CEO and SMP Director said, “Building frameworks to enable patient-centred, accessible, up-to-date, digital medicines information to be provided as standard, is a priority for the SMP. Datapharm’s data and deep experience is invaluable to this aim, and we are delighted they have joined the SMP.”
We are beyond thrilled to answer the SMP’s call for partners that can help make medicines more sustainable and will be working alongside the SMP to continue to increase the accessibility of medicine information.
To find out more about the Sustainable Medicines Partnership (SMP), contact: [email protected] or read the official press release.
Learn more about how Datapharm can support you in the conversion of your Patient Safety Information to a digital format (XPILs), and make it accessible in hardcopy large print, Braille and audio formats, with the emc regulatory solution.
Looking to understand how emc market intelligence can provide insight for your organisation? Contact us at [email protected]