emc icomply updates 2021
Jun 16, 2021
emc icomply can now host SmPCs that have been published for a Northern Ireland audience through emc.

We are excited to announce the release of a new updated version of the emc icomply feature, included with the emc compliance solution. The new features will greatly improve your user experience.
Read below for more information.
emc northern ireland integration
emc icomply can now host SmPCs that have been published for a Northern Ireland audience through emc.
Your company can safely maintain salesforce compliance and access to the most up-to-date documents for medicines marketed in Northern Ireland.
For more information about our emc regulatory solution, please contact our Client Services team: [email protected]
Updates to the emc icomply platform
- Data managers can choose between UK/GB or NI documents and assign those accordingly.
In the ‘Assignments’ page the ‘Add’ function now has an additional drop-down to select the Region (UK/GB or NI). This allows you to select either a UK/GB SmPC from emc or a NI SmPC from emc northern Ireland to assign to your salesforce. - Reports include Northern Ireland documents, which have been updated to include SmPCs intended for a Northern Ireland audience.
Note that SmPCs that have been submitted through emc publisher have a different type of identifier which is represented in the reports as a long string of letters and numbers.
Updates to the emc icomply app
The emc icomply App has been updated to display the SmPCs for different regions. UK/GB is shortened to UK to ensure usability for all devices.
The new features include:
- Addition of a region selector at the top of the page
Use this to switch between UK or NI region
- Click on Region icon
- Select desired Region
- Click on close to display portfolio for that Region
- Addition of a Region icon on the SmPC page
This provides a clear identifier to the user as to which the Region the SmPC has been published for
IMPORTANT: In order to make the above features available on the emc icomply app, please update it to the last version available on the Apple store or Google Play.
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